
13 2017

JCC Maccabi Informational Meeting

6:30PM - 7:30PM  

Shaw JCC Akron 750 White Pond Dr
Akron, OH

Contact Scott Zorn

The Shaw JCC will be sending a delegation of teen athletes to Albany, NY for the 2017 JCC Maccabi games, August 6 – 11, 2017. 

MEETING: Monday, March 13, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. at the Shaw JCC
Please join us for this informational meeting: During the meeting you will learn about the who, what, how much, etc.
Refreshments/Snacks will be served.  Being great at a sport is not required.

The JCC Maccabi games are like the Olympics. There are opening/closing ceremonies, games, community projects and social events, all with tremendous amounts of spirit/ruach. They will meet, make friends and compete with hundreds of Jewish teens from around the world. It is an experience they will never forget. We are also very fortunate to have funding support that will help to substantially reduce the cost per athlete. 

Please see the attached flyer for more information, along with a list sports that are being offered at the games.

RSVP is appreciated to JCC Membership is not required. .