
9 2017

Holocaust Seminar: Children During the Holocaust

4:00PM - 8:00PM  

Schultz Campus for Jewish Life 750 White Pond Drive

Contact Mary Dean
(330) 869-2424

$ Cost $ 18.00

22nd Annual Holocaust Seminar

Children During the Holocaust

Keynote: "A Childhood Vanquished in the Łódź Ghetto"

by Dr. Mark B. Cole, Associate College Lecturer in History, Cleveland State University

In his talk, Cole will explore the notebooks of Dawid Sierakowiak. “His notebooks are truly a treasure trove,” Dr. Cole said.   Sierakowiak kept a diary for five years from before the war through his imprisonment in the Łódź Ghetto, where he meticulously noted not only the events but his own feelings, moods, and opinions. Professor Cole specializes in modern Europe and Germany, focusing on Nazism and the Holocaust.   

The seminar will also feature child survivor eyewitness testimony and resources for teaching the next generation. Registration with supper is $18 or $12 without supper. Register online or call 330-869-2424 by Oct. 2.

Presented by JCBA and The Lippman School (with assistance from the City of Akron and Akron-Summit County Public Library). Seminar made possible by a grant from the Rose & Lawrence Schwartz Holocaust Education Fund of the Jewish Community Board of Akron, Inc.