Are you an older adult who needs extra help around the house, or transportation services to doctors’ appointments? The Jewish Family Service of Akron is your gateway to the new Silver J-Ticket program offering homemaking and transportation services for Jewish individuals 62 and better who wish to remain safe in their homes. This program is made possible through a grant provided by the Schultz Foundation allowing older adults to have access to these services at a reduced cost making them more affordable for you.
You’re invited to an Open House event at your Jewish Family Service office located at 750 White Pond Drive in Akron on Thursday, May 24 from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Meet JFS staff, enjoy refreshments, and learn more about your JFS and the Silver J-Ticket. No RSVP necessary. Questions? Please call 330-867-3388 or visit JFSAkron.org.
Silver J-Ticket Fast Facts
- All Jewish seniors (62 years & better) in Summit County, regardless of income, may qualify.
- Homemaking and transportation services are available through Lily Home Care.
- Participants may choose one or both services.
- JFS subsidizes the cost of the services making them more affordable for you.
- Attend our Open House on May 24 to learn about this program! Or call 330-867-3388.