The Lippman School invites parents and middle school students to attend a free, interactive presentation and discussion on cyberbullying, cybercrime, online predator tactics, and other safety issues related to children’s use of the Internet. It will take place on April 18, at 6:30 pm, on the Schultz Campus for Jewish Life, 750 White Pond Drive.
Featured speakers include Portage County Chief Information Officer Brian Kelley, who, in addition to managing all IT operations or the county, has investigated computer crimes for the Portage County Sherriff’s Department, and teaches computer security and criminal justice at the University of Akron. Kelley will be joined by Amanda K. Brace, a licensed school counselor with specialized training in helping children deal with cyberbullying.
Lippman’s Head of School, Sam Chestnut, encourages community participation. “This is an issue that affects all middle school students,” Chestnut says, “and we welcome parents, teachers, and students in the Greater Akron-Canton area to join us as we explore how to keep our children safe online.”
Parents of younger children are also welcome,” he says, because “even preschool and elementary school age children are increasingly using internet-connected devices.”
The event is part of an ongoing exploration of technology issues, started last year when Lippman became the first school in Ohio to take the “Tech Timeout Academic Challenge”, during which middle school students attempted to disconnect from all electronic devices for three days and then to share their experiences at a community forum.
”We’re going to do [a tech time-out] again this year,” Lippman Humanities Teacher Matt Russ says. “Then, we’ll follow it up with this discussion on Internet safety. The idea is to get our students to take a thoughtful break from technology, and then to reflect on some of the more serious issues they might face as they use the Internet for homework, gaming, and other activities."
Admission is free with registration at, or call 330-836-0419.
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