Thank you for Making a Splash! (Part I)

Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end. The upcoming opening of our new indoor pool marks the end of the fundraising campaign that has made it happen. Thanks to your support, and that of the community as a whole, we raised more than $1.4 Million, which will cover most of the cost of the project. On behalf of the 2,600 individuals who use the pool every year to learn how to swim, to recover from surgery and pain, to swim laps, to enjoy the water and to forge a community, I say thank you. There is really no better way than ‘Splash!’ to describe the type of impact the pool has in our community and the type of impact that you’ve been making with your support.

When I was asked to make the opening gift to the indoor pool, I was honored and delighted that I could step up at that time of need. Gratefully, Kathy Salem and a long list of highly committed people, joined right with us. I couldn’t be more proud to have been part of this effort and I hope that all the people who made a gift to the indoor pool, no matter the size of that gift, feel the same way. See you at the new indoor pool!

Thom Mandel, Co-Chair of Make a Splash! Committee


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