RCJ has been enjoying the summer with many new and exciting programs, including a Shavuot-themed terrarium making event, a volunteer project at One of A Kind Pet Rescue, Brew at the Akron Zoo, an ice cream social, and an Akron RubberDucks game. These last two events drew over 32 people to each!
In addition, RCJ volunteered with Family Promise and helped out at the Shaw JCC’s Member Appreciation Pool Party, and also shared a special Shabbat Dinner hosted by Rabbi Mendy and Kaila Sasonkin.
The RCJ-Ticket has launched successfully, bringing in over 24 members to the RCJ program and continues to grow. RCJ-Tickets are available for $18 online at www.JewishAkron.org/RCJ-Ticket or with cash or check at any RCJ event. The RCJ ticket is made possible thanks to funds from the Albert L. and Janet A. Schultz Endowment for Jewish Programming.
In the coming months, we look forward to a night at Blossom Music Center, an educational program in preparation for the High Holidays, and collaborative programs with Jewish Family Service and adult programming at the Shaw JCC, as well as with Young Professionals of Akron.
Upcoming Programs:
- August 8 - Happy Hour - 5-8 p.m. at the Merchant Tavern in the Merriman Valley- Guests will speak about upcoming volunteer opportunities in the community
- August 13- Kayaking in the Portage Lakes - 1-4 p.m.; details to come.
- August 19 - The first annual “RCJam!” is a celebration for new and returning RCJ members. Our biggest event yet, RCJam will feature live music, food, beverages, a casual Havdalah service, and a raffle with great giveaways. RCJam will be a unique opportunity to meet and mingle with young adults in the Jewish community at Uncorked Wine Bar in downtown Akron. RCJam is FREE for RCJ-Ticket holders and will include two drink tickets, an ice cream ticket to use next door at Chill Ice Cream, one raffle ticket, and plenty of tasty eats from local restaurants. Babysitting stipends are available to RCJ-Ticket holders reserved by Aug. 14, as it is an adults-only event. Tickets for RCJam alone will cost $10 per person at the door and include a drink and ice cream ticket. Additional raffle tickets will be available for purchase.
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