Local Holocaust survivor shares her story at Yom Hashoah

The Shaw JCC and the dedicated members of the Yom HaShoah committee, invite the entire community to join in Remembering the Holocaust on Sunday, April 19, at 7 pm at the Shaw JCC, on the Schultz Campus for Jewish Life.  
This year’s theme, A Story of a Family’s Survival, will feature Erika Taubner Gold as our speaker. She will share her family’s personal story of survival.  

Born in Budapest, Hungary in 1932, Erika Taubner’s normal childhood was brought to an abrupt halt when Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Regime came to power in Germany.  Most of her childhood is filled with memories of narrowly escaping death and hiding from Nazi authorities. She and her immediate family survived and moved to Cleveland in 1950.  But 44 members of her extended family were killed in the Holocaust.     

Gold lives in Beachwood, Ohio, where she is a tour guide at the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage.  She remembers those she lost and honors them by speaking to groups of students and adult audiences.  She wishes “more people had taken action rather than being bystanders.”

In addition to the guest speaker, the Yom HaShoah Commemoration will include a violin solo by Joy Regimbal, a memorial service and a candle lighting ceremony. As is the custom in Israel we too will begin our commemoration with the sounding of siren. Tohar and Ofri Kait, community shlichim /Israeli emissaries, will lead the community by asking all in attendance to stand during the one-minute blast of the siren.

The commemoration is free and open to the public. For more information please contact Myra Feinberg at 330-835-0056.


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