Unify our Community with a continental expression of resilience and Jewish peoplehood
Last Shabbat, we witnessed the deadliest act of anti-Semitism in Jewish North American history. This Shabbat, we respond with our greatest show of solidarity.
The Jewish Community Board of Akron is supporting a continental effort to come together to express our unity and strength as one people. Together we will stand alongside our brothers and sisters in Pittsburgh mourning the loss of 11 innocent members of Congregation Tree of Life.
Join our Solidarity Shabbat: We Stand With Pittsburgh
Shabbat services will be held at:
Anshe Sfard Revere Road Synagogue, 646 N. Revere Rd., Akron, OH
Beth El Congregation, 750 White Pond Drive, Akron, OH
Temple Israel, 91 Springside Drive, Bath, OH, Friday, Nov. 2, 6:15 p.m.
From New Mexico to New York, Los Angeles to Long Island, Jewish community members – united with good, decent people everywhere – will mourn the victims and affirm the importance we place on religious freedom by all being together, in synagogue.
Join our Solidarity Shabbat.
Additional Resources
Union for Reform Judaism https://urj.org/congregations
Aleph Alliance for Jewish Renewal https://aleph.org/directory
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism https://uscj.org/network
Orthodox Union https://www.ou.org/synagogue-finder/
Chabad-Lubavitch https://www.chabad.org/centers/default_cdo/aid/15676/jewish/Advanced-Search.htm