It is with great pain and sadness of heart that we inform you of the passing of
Rabbi Mendy Sasonkin
The spiritual leader of Anshe Sfard Congregation-Revere Road Synagogue
Of Blessed Memory
who passed away on Tuesday, October 2nd (Simchat Torah)
The funeral is today (October 3rd) at 4 p.m.
at Anshe Sfard Synagogue
followed by
Internment at Anshe Sfard Cemetery
310 Swartz Rd, Akron Ohio 44319
at 5:45 PM
Shiva will be observed at Anshe Sfard Synagogue
7:30 PM - 9:30 PM (Maariv at 7:30 PM)
7:30 AM -12 PM (Shachrit at 7:30 AM)
7 PM - 9 PM (Mincha at 6:45 PM)
8 AM - 12 PM (Shachrit at 8 AM)
Regular Shabbat Services will be held at Anshe Sfard.
Shiva will continue in New York on Sunday and Monday.
