JCBA Launches $1.5 Million Campaign

Campaign co-chairs Sheri and Stuart Glauberman have announced a $1.5 million goal for the Jewish Community Board of Akron (JCBA) 2020 Annual Campaign. The goal, a ten percent increase over last year's campaign results, was approved by the JCBA Board of Directors at its May 2019 meeting.

"The $1.5 million is needed to care for the vulnerable, enhance Jewish Life, and ensure a Jewish future," said the Glaubermans. "By investing in JCBA's annual campaign, you help the person around the corner and the world."

JCBA works with local, national, and international agencies to transform lives and deliver hope, dignity, and comfort to millions of people, ordinary people facing extraordinary needs.

Locally, JCBA directly supports several programs in the Akron Jewish community including, but not limited to, The Lippman School, The Shaw JCC, Rubber City Jews, Jewish Family Service Akron, and the Summit County Board of Rabbis. Additionally, JCBA oversees the J-Ticket Program, the Jewish Community Endowment Fund, and serves as the administrator of the Schultz Campus for Jewish Life.

There are several steps taken before Annual Campaign dollars raised are distributed. Every year, the agencies submit proposals to a special JCBA Allocation Committee – comprised of experienced, community-minded volunteers – requesting funds for Jewish programs for the upcoming fiscal year. The committee reviews the proposals in a thoughtful process and balances the needs and the monies available to ensure your investment has the greatest impact. 

These are just a few examples of transformative moments you can power through your support of the Jewish Community Board of Akron. With your help, moments like these will continue to change lives and build community every moment of every day – here at home and around the globe. Give today at

You Can Power Community Security

At a time when we need it most, you can make our schools, community center, and synagogues safer. With the power of your investment in JCBA's Annual Campaign, our Jewish communal organizations will develop a crisis communications and training plan, assess risks and address physical vulnerabilities, share knowledge and resources and implement a long-term security strategy we hope that we will never have to use.

You Can Power Community Innovation

Community Innovation Grants is an exciting, new program for Jewish social entrepreneurs in Summit County, driving innovative, leading-edge initiatives that meet the community's most critical needs. Funding is awarded to the best ideas that transform Jewish life and strategically grow and strengthen the Akron Jewish community in these areas: young family engagement, Israel and Jewry connections, and community volunteerism. Apply at through Dec. 2.

You Can Power Community Collaboration

With the power of your investment, JCBA will continue to nurture the relationships between the Akron Jewish community, rabbis and synagogues by funding the newly established Board of Rabbis of Summit County in partnership with Temple Beth Shalom, Anshe Sfard Revere Road Synagogue, Beth El Congregation, and Temple Israel. Together, we will promote Jewish learning, values, and rituals and create a collaborative atmosphere for our Jewish community.

You Can Power Our Community's Future

With the power of your investment, Hillel is engaging and empowering 1,500 Jewish students through experiences that will help them grow in their Jewish journeys. Planned monthly Shabbat experiences, holiday celebrations, and social events are just a few of the reasons why Jewish students experience a warm and inviting Jewish community on campus. This year, JCBA has committed to doubling its investment in Hillel, which, in particular, will help grow the Akron campus with the hiring of a part-time Jewish Life Coordinator.