Hosted by the Akron Jewish Community: “Conversation on Racial Injustice”

Throughout the history of the Greater Akron Jewish Community, we have always fought for and advocated on behalf of those for whom justice is not blind.  The institutional racism, xenophobia, and disintegration of civil discourse we have witnessed in our country as of late demands that we redouble our efforts. In our generational efforts to actively protect the aspirations, the hopes, and the potential of every human, The Akron Jewish Community is hosting a Zoom Panel Meeting: “Conversation on Racial Injustice” on August 4th from 12 PM – 1:30 PM. Register in advance at or through Jewish Akron’s Facebook event.  

We are calling on our community to join in our efforts to do better and play a greater role in repairing this world. Please join our Zoom Panel Meeting: “Conversation on Racial Injustice” on August 4th from 12 PM – 1:30 PM. Join us as a community to come together in the fight against racial inequality and discrimination. Take this opportunity to learn from our Black colleagues and community members.

We are extremely proud to host an esteemed group of panelists, including Andre Lessears, Director, Diversity & Inclusion for the Cleveland Clinic Akron General, Representative Emilia Strong Sykes, Minority Leader of the Ohio House of Representatives, Judi Hill, NAACP President for Akron and Robert DeJournett, Vice President, Opportunity & Inclusion for the Greater Akron Chamber.

“If I am not for me, who is for me; and if I am (only) for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?” – Hillel, Pirke Avot, 1:14