Enhancing Security for Jewish Communities

The Secure Community Network (SCN) has been quietly operating since 2004. Dedicated to homeland security initiatives on behalf of the American Jewish community, the non-profit is an initiative of JFNA and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

With the increase in Anti-Semitic incidences in the U.S., SCN’s relevance has come keenly into view in the last six months. The organization works closely with United States government security and intelligence agencies to protect American Jewish institutions. Its staff is comprised of former intelligence personnel from the U.S. and abroad.
During the recent spate of Anti-Semitic incidences, SCN has worked closely with Jewish agencies, the Federal government and local governments to respond in a crisis and assist in the investigations. Throughout the most recent threats, SCN has become a proven, critical partner for Jewish communities and a resource for immediate assistance, information, guidance and expertise.

“Several weeks ago, over 800 individuals from Jewish agencies around the country participated in an SCN conference call which included experts from the FBI and Homeland Security,” David Koch, JCBA CEO, says. “The information shared by the experts helped enhance our emergency protocol here at the Schultz Campus for Jewish Life. We are continually evaluating our security procedures and protocols for the Campus to help ensure the safety of everyone who comes through our doors.”

“We share SCN updates with the Akron Police Department,” Koch says.  “They help everyone tasked with keeping our Jewish campus safe and secure in a time of unprecedented uncertainty.”

SCN’s security professionals help Jewish communities review their security infrastructure, protocols and preparedness and make recommendations for enhancements. It informs and educates local Jewish communities to both deal with and prevent potential threats. When Anti-Semitic acts do occur, the SCN works with local Jewish communities to respond to the hatred and to prevent future incidents.  

A portion of the money raised from your JCBA Annual Campaign contribution goes toward funding the Secure Community Network. SCN is the only national Jewish organization in the U.S. exclusively dedicated to homeland security initiatives on behalf of the American Jewish community.



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