A Golden Experience!

Imagine your family or group of friends enjoying an enchanting day of sailing Lake Erie on a private sailboat.  This delicious summer treat can be yours aboard “Golden Rule”, a 46 foot Beneteau sailboat that includes all of the modern safety and comfort amenities you could hope for.  The quiet serenity of the sailing experience will be tailored to your desires – whether you are interested in a pampered cruise to enjoy the sun and gentle breeze, a sailing lesson that can include some wheel time as the helmsman, or a relaxing swim in the lake while at anchor.  Your cruise will include lunch on board.  Golden Rule is berthed in Vermilion and can comfortably accommodate up to 6 people.  Weather dependent and available the summer of 2016. Thank you to Susan & Jon Golden for this priceless donation! 

The Golden Experience will be auctioned at the Annual Campus Gala: Paradise Under the Stars honoring Lisa and Thom Mandel. The Annual Campus Gala benefits the Shaw JCC of Akron, The Lippman School, and Jewish Family Service. It takes place at the Schultz Campus for Jewish Life, 750 White Pond Drive in Akron. Tickets are $125 each if purchased by November 1 ($150 thereafter) and may be purchased online or by calling 330-836-0025. Sponsorship opportunities are available; contact Ceil at ccohen@thelippmanschool.org or (330) 835-0419


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