The City of Akron Holocaust Commemoration Committee invites the community to the 30th City of Akron Holocaust Arts & Writing Contest Awards Ceremony and 32nd City of Akron Holocaust Commemoration on Tuesday, April 10, at the Main Library of the Akron-Summit County Public Library, 60 S. High St., in downtown Akron.
The awards program begins at 6 p.m. Winning students and their work will be recognized with th commemoration presented at 6:30 p.m. In recognition of our 30th anniversary there will be a special performance of "I Never Saw Another Butterfly" cantata by Miller South School of the Arts choir directed by Paul Stewart. The commemoration will feature Barbara Turkeltaub, a Holocaust survivor, who will share her testimony. She was a hidden child who was hid in a Catholic convent with her sister. After the war Turkeltaub was reunited with her mother who she didn’t even remember.
Students from Akron and Summit County were invited to submit entries to the contest in Division I [Grades 6-8] or Division II [Grades 9-12] - in art or writing categories. This year’s contest and commemoration theme is “Lessons of the Holocaust: The Lives of the Children."
In addition to Chairman Susan Yingling, the City of Akron Holocaust Commemoration Committee includes community leaders, former teachers, experts in art and writing, librarians and specialists in history and resources of the Holocaust.