Contact Endowment Director Greta Foster at or 330-835-0004 for more information.Contact Endowment Director Greta Foster at or 330-835-0004 for more information.FindFGFsdfdfsFff
Contact The Jewish Community Board of Akron at
330-869-2424 for more information.
Give through bequests
The most popular endowment gift is a bequest of cash, securities or other property to ALEF. Bequests are deducted from your estate for estate tax purposes.
You may also establish a Testamentary Trust in your will. This provides a portion of your estate to be held in trust, with a fixed sum or a fixed percentage payable for life to one or more designated beneficiaries and the remainder to ALEF. Your estate receives an estate tax deduction for the value of the remainder interest passing to ALEF on the death(s) of the income beneficiaries.
For the plan best suited to your personal requirements and philanthropic interests, we recommend that you consult with your own legal, accounting and financial advisors.