MAKE AN IMPACT in your community.
CONNECT with others.
DEVELOP professionally.

Community is at the core of the Jewish Leadership Initiative (JLI). The Jewish Community Board of Akron launched JLI in fall 2016 to engage and connect adults under age 45 in Akron's Jewish community. The program offers professional and leadership development and the chance to learn from and connect with community leaders.


  • No cost to participants
  • Classes held on Sundays in the late afternoon
  • Babysitting provided at no charge during all classes
  • Topics include: Community, Conflict Resolution, Tzedakah and Community Responsibility, Social Networks, and Peoplehood
  • Opportunity to also participate in Leadership Akron's CLI (Community Leadership Institute), at no cost, to further development in the greater Akron community.
  • To qualify for any JLI program, one member of the household must be Jewish by having a Jewish parent or have completed the conversion process by an ordained rabbi.
  • Any extenuating or unusual circumstances will be referred to clergy for guidance.